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Advancing Air Traffic Management: Baymac’s Presence at IFATCA

Baymac’s participation in the recent IFATCA 2024 conference was marked by a distinct commitment to the industry’s progress and the professionals who drive it. The conference, held under the theme, “Invest in People: The Future of ATM“, served as a platform for Baymac to share its strategic approach to enhancing the welfare of air traffic controllers, recognizing them as the foundation of aviation’s safety and efficiency.

Within this forum, thought leaders and pioneers converged to exchange breakthrough ideas and sculpt the trajectory of global air traffic management standards. Chairman of Baymac, Daren Bayley-Hay presented a comprehensive analysis of how Baymac’s initiatives are not just reacting to the shifting paradigms of air traffic management, but actively propelling the industry forward, focusing on the well-being of aviation professionals. He underscored the instrumental role of ATCs, acknowledging their tireless commitment and the mental agility required to maintain the utmost levels of air safety.

At Baymac, we understand that the well-being of ATCs extends beyond the control towers and radar screens. Daren elaborated on Baymac’s comprehensive health, loss of income, and pension plans designed to deliver peace of mind to those who tirelessly monitor our skies. These plans, he emphasized, are not just about coverage – they’re about fostering a community that feels valued and protected.

Baymac’s Commitment to Air Traffic Controllers and Air Traffic Management

Baymac remains committed to air traffic controllers and air traffic management professionals, partnering
with industry-leading partners to provide the best plans for you and your families.

      1. Comprehensive Health and Loss of Income Plans Programs: In partnership with industry leaders, Baymac has developed tailored health and loss of income plans specifically designed for air traffic controllers. These plans are crafted to address the unique challenges faced by those in high-stress aviation roles.

      1. Innovation in Risk Management: Baymac leads with forward-thinking risk management strategies that set industry benchmarks. Our innovative approaches include offering enhanced insurance protections against risks such as airspace shutdowns and providing advanced liability coverage. These measures ensure that the aviation industry can continue operations smoothly and resiliently, even under unpredictable or adverse conditions.

      1. Investment in Community and Culture: Baymac is deeply invested in fostering a supportive community within the air traffic management sector. We believe that the strength of our industry relies on the collective morale and the shared values of its members.

    Pictured from left to right meeting the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore at the opening of the Industry Partner exhibition area. Ng Tee Chiou (2nd deputy director general Singapore CAAS), Helena Sjostrom (IFATCA Deputy President) Duncan Auld IFATCA President, Daren Bayley-Hay, Chairman Baymac Global, Han Kok Juan (Director general Singapore CAAS)Ng Tee Chiou (2nd deputy director general Singapore CAAS) Lim De Wei (President of the Singapore Organising committee)

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